This form can be completed by yourself or a member of your network of support. 

If you require any assistance in completing this form, please contact our NDIS team on 02 4979 1120 or

Participant Details

Enter referrer's email address if form being submitted by referrer.

If yes, please complete a Cultural Assessment form.

If yes, please complete the referrer's details in the next section.

Referrer’s Details

Please leave this section blank if this is a self-referral.

Plan Details

About the Participant

* you will be asked to complete risk analysis with the NDIS team

Emergency Contact information

If Yes, ensure this is added to the Consent Form.

Risk Indicators

(may emerge during discussion of presenting issues)
(may emerge during discussion of presenting issues)
(will have emerged during discussion of disabilities)
(should emerge during discussion of living conditions)
(If yes, provide details below)

NOTE: CatholicCare are unable to provide any restrictive practice supports if we do not have a current Positive Behaviour Support Plan and our support workers have not been provided with adequate training from the behaviour support provider.
NOTE: If No, CatholicCare may not be able to provide a service to you.

Support Being Requested



